It may look like crop circles, but this is just one aerial view of the course. © Allen Pomraning of Aazod Flight Systems
Walla Walla, Washington — Walla Walla in southeast Washington is hosting two cyclocross races like no others this weekend. Saturday, the race will be on a private farm, and the course will include some unusual attractions. Two bridges allow the course to loop back on itself. One of those bridges is a three-way. Racers approaching the ‘feature’ as it’s called locally, go over a bridge, loop around to pass under that bridge at ground level, the loop around again and go under both.
The course passes through two barns open at both ends. One has bicycle wheel chandeliers with tiki torches and bicycles hanging from the rafters. The other barn will have a bonfire in the center.
Naturally, the course includes some more traditional challenges, including plenty of grass, an off-camber circle of death spiral inward and back outward, some fast sections in a field and a stream crossing.
Landowner and cross competitor Charles Stanger will also be hosting the tenth annual Halloween party Saturday in the bonfire barn. Costumes required. Free entry.
Sunday, the race will be a more traditional course at a different Walla Walla venue, but will include a seldom seen switchback climb and some descending.
A good all-around rider will carry the weekend, as there are all manner of ’cross challenges.
For more information on the races and the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series that Walla Walla is a part of, go to www.emdesports.com/Race_Flyers/Inland_Northwest_Cyclocross_Series/inwcxs.html.