
by Jamie Mack

We’ve got a contest going on in our ever-growing cowbell community site and forums with swag up for grab for the best personal race report. Report about your recent race experience – win, lose or DNF. Keep it short OR write to your heart’s content, but make it entertaining or informative.

It’s not a popularity contest, but members and friends leaving positive comments certainly doesn’t hurt!

We’ve got some prizes lined up, and will award them every couple weeks…  This round up for grabs is a pair of fast-rolling Kenda Kommando cyclocross tires:

Kenda Kommando cyclocross tire

Kenda Kommando cyclocross tire

Plus a bag of super-fresh, small batch-roasted (by a cyclocrosser) DeLaPaz coffee!

DeLaPaz Coffee for cyclocrossers

DeLaPaz Coffee for cyclocrossers

So share your race experience, put it through spell check, and if you wanna get fancy, add a photo or video. And then  add your report here.

Fine print: Reports should be original and unpublished, and that includes your blog (you can always link to it from your blog), but when the prize is awarded, you can publish as you see fit. USA residents, void where prohibited. We may ship prizes abroad if winner pays shipping and customs, but Belgians earning 8,000 Euros per race start are not eligible.