Drew Coleman is hosting a screening of his film State of Cyclocross this Thursday at Louisville Nationals. We reviewed his film earlier this season.
The screening is being held at 80/20 @ Kaelin’s (1801 Newburg Rd.) in Louisville. Tickets are $10, and seating is limited to 75.
More information about purchasing tickets is available online here.
In addition to the screening of the film in the context in which it was filmed—Cyclocross Nationals—there will be a panel which will explore the questions that the film poses. The panel will be moderated by Bill Schieken of CXHairs.com who is one of the leading media voices of cyclocross in the United States.
The panel will be comprised of former professional riders, organizers and some of the most successful racers in U.S. history. The panelists are Tim Johnson, Meredith Miller, Adam Myerson, Beth Ann Orton; and the organizer of Derby Cup, Cyclocross Worlds and this year’s National Championships, Greg Fante. It will be an unforgettable night.
About the Film
In the film, Laura Winberry said, “You want something you care about to last beyond you.” She’s talking about cyclocross and her desire for the sport’s permanence and when she said those words and when she did so, she unknowingly captured the ethos of the entire project and gave us the tagline of the film.
State of Cyclocross is about permanence. In an age of mass photography, and an era of select, process, post and forget, we wanted something tangible and lasting. To shoot on film is to be fully present, to evaluate, to prepare, to be patient and to be right. At its heart, this film is a meditation on the sport of cyclocross. It explores its counter-cultural past, its existence today and what needs to be done to sustain it moving forward. As the rapidly growing sport drifts away from its counter-culture roots and begins to become more mainstream, it is developing a bit of an identity crisis: does it stay fringe and true to its roots or does it accept the movement towards professionalism and a more sustainable economic model?
Even In the space of time since the film was shot and completed, the ever-changing landscape of Cyclocross has already shifted. Incorporating voiceover by multiple current and former professionals and national champions, it was filmed in Super 8 in a single day in January at the United States Cyclocross National Championships in Reno.