
As the 2015 Elite Women's World Cyclocross Championship is practically open for the taking by a large number of racers, the folks here at Cyclocross Magazine won't be making any hard-and-fast predictions, but we will be highlighting ten favorites as well as some outside contenders. With the weather now verging on the likelihood of snow the day before the Elite Races, the fast course of Tabor will also provide a few areas that will likely cause some spills, especially if the notorious Czech ice comes into play.

Also, don't miss our Elite Men's Preview of Tabor.

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The Favorites: Helen Wyman

Helen Wyman was given a royal welcome at Milton Keynes, with flags and cheers on every corner. © Bart Hazen

Helen Wyman was given a royal welcome at Milton Keynes, with flags and cheers on every corner. How will she fare at Worlds? © Bart Hazen

A list compiling all the favorites for the World Championship would not be complete without Wyman, yet another notoriously fast starter in the Women’s Elite field. The current British National Champion and last year’s third place finisher in the 2014 World Championship, Wyman simply knows how to create a presence during a race.

She had a dominating performance in the American courses early in the season before heading back to Europe, and certainly has a big following in the English-speaking fans around the world.

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