
616 search results found for “a column”.

Happy Thanksgiving: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Our family has grown quite large over the last four years with two married daughters and my step-daughter in a serious relationship …

Being a Master: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Between promoting a mid-week race series, completing my (hopefully) last year as a middle school teacher, trying to train and then race …

For Mud, Bikes, Beer and Barns: A Column from Adam McGrath

by Adam McGrath I’m not sure what happened, somehow in the last year I’ve returned to the junior ranks. You might be asking yourself how …

Facing Down Low Self Esteem: A Column By Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Labor Day weekend my youngest daughter got married. Both of my sons-in-law are wonderful young men, hard workers, caring partners, and best …

I Am From: A Column By Lee Waldman

Resident Masters racer Lee Waldman waxes poetic – literally – about his training. I am from every miserable race and training sesson sweltering heat and …

What is This Thing Called Winning Anyway?: A Column By Lee Waldman

Lee Waldman has talked a lot lately about his off-season motivation issues. It’s been a tough year for him with work, and now he’s thinking …

Not Taking the Easy Way Out: A Column By Lee Waldman

Lee Waldman has talked a lot lately about his off-season motivation issues. It’s been a tough year for him with work, and now he’s thinking …

You Pick Yourself Up: A Column from Josh Schwiesow

by Josh Schwiesow Crashing in cyclocross is a piece of cake, comparatively speaking. I’ve said as much before in this noob column, to some debate. …

Having Trouble Finding Just Fun: A Column By Lee Waldman

Lee Waldman has talked a lot lately about his off-season motivation issues. It’s been a tough year for him with work, and now he’s finally …

Have Your Own Personal Cyclocross Clinic: A Column from Josh Schwiesow

by Josh Schwiesow It is getting to be that time of year when even the most serious road racers begin talking about cyclocross season. There …

Just Having Fun: A Column By Lee Waldman

Lee Waldman has talked a lot lately about his off-season motivation issues. It’s been a tough year for him with work, and now he’s finally …

Making Better Food Choices: A Column from Josh Schwiesow

by Josh Schwiesow We recently discussed losing weight and counting calories here in the noob corner of Cyclocross Magazine. It was satisfying to me that …

School’s Out: A Column By Lee Waldman

Lee Waldman has talked a lot lately about his off-season motivation issues. It’s been a tough year for him with work, and he’s finally got …

Tackling Nutrition as a Noob: A Column by Josh Schwiesow

By now, you’ve probably read about our newest noob columnist, Josh. He’s taken a hard look at how the first season of racing went overall, …

I Have This Friend … : A Column by Lee Waldman

Lee Waldman has talked a lot lately about his off-season motivation issues. Today, he’s looking at what really matters: the friends we ride with. by …

What to Expect When You’re Expecting … To Attend Your First Race: A Column by Josh Schwiesow

By now, you’ve probably read about our newest noob columnist, Josh. Why cyclocross and why now? Well, don’t ask us, just check out his first …

More on Motivation: A Column by Lee Waldman

A couple of weeks back, Lee Waldman talked about his off-season motivation issues. Today, he’s coming back to the topic of motivation, which is hard …

First Lessons in Season One: A Column from Josh Schwiesow

By now, you’ve probably read about our newest noob columnist, Josh. Why cyclocross and why now? Well, don’t ask us, just check out his first …

Start Listening: A Column by Lee Waldman

In past weeks, Lee has called for better behavior from cyclists on the road and learned about his off-season motivators. Today, he’s learning about patience. …

Finding a New Whip: A Column from Josh Schwiesow

Josh is our newest columnist, and he will be sharing his “noob” perspective with readers in weeks to come. Today, he’s introducing himself and giving …

Maintaining Motivation: A Column by Lee Waldman

Last time we heard from Lee, he was calling for better behavior from cyclists on the road. This time, he’s just trying to get out …

If You Think Racing Cyclocross is Tough … A Column by Lee Waldman

Last time we heard from Lee, it was mid-February at the height of winter in Colorado. Now that it’s warming up and he’s outside more …

It’s February, It’s Off-Season: A Column By Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman It’s February in Colorado. Today, it’s in the high 50s but the wind is hurricane force. There’s a branch in my driveway …

Masters Worlds or Bust: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman If this was a tweet, something that I’ve never done before, here’s how I think it might go:   State championships, a nice …

Finding Motivation Again: A Column by Lee Waldman

Last week, Masters racer and Cyclocross Magazine columnist Lee Waldman philosophized a bit about  some life lessons and how they transfer into cyclocross. This week, …

Life/Bike Lessons: a Column by Lee Waldman

Last week, Masters racer and Cyclocross Magazine columnist Lee Waldman philosophized a bit about how we are always “becoming,” as both people and bike racers. …

Two Months Down, Four to Go: A Column by Christine Vardaros

by Christine Vardaros I am now two months into cyclocross season here in Belgium and it’s already filled with surprises, adventures, screw-ups and some creative …

Deep Thoughts: a Column by Lee Waldman

The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur just passed.  Of all the holidays on the Jewish calendar, it is unarguably my favorite. On this one day …

First Race: a Column by Lee Waldman

Last week, Masters racer and Cyclocross Magazine columnist Lee Waldman talks about the importance of keeping relationships steady even during the cyclocross season. This week, he’s …

Ten Things About Your Partner: A Column by Lee Waldman

Although the cyclocross season is happily getting incrementally longer every year, it’s still more compact than the road season. For those of us whose passion is cross that’s a good thing. For our partners, who have to suffer through mud filled showers, mud stained towels, abrasions, bruises and the occasional broken collar bone, the season is probably about 8 weeks too long already. Bottom line, if it wasn’t for their patience with our obsessive behavior, their moral support as we spend the majority of our time thinking about, talking about, and racing cross, and their physical presence at the races, racing cross would be much more difficult. So, this column is dedicated to them. [More…]

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