
616 search results found for “a column”.

Accepting the Inevitable and Enjoying the Ride: A Column by Lee Waldman

Masters racer Lee Waldman is back with another column filled with invaluable life lessons, and it’s especially timely given Steve Tilford’s recent passing today.

Giving Thanks at the Barriers – A Column by Lee Waldman

Columnist Lee Waldman has been in a reflective mood recently, and today he weighs in today on the timely topic of being thankful and appreciating those …

Overcoming Trust Issues – A Column by Lee Waldman

Trust seems to be the theme for the week. Coach Chris Mayhew wrote about trusting your training in our most recent Training Tuesday piece on tapering, …

Remembering What’s Important in Cyclocross (Because It’s Easy to Forget) – A Column by Lee Waldman

Colorado-based Masters racer Lee Waldman imparts his years of experience and knowledge onto us. Walman gives us a good lesson to learn and remember.

New Year’s Resolution: More Fun in 2016 — A Column by Lee Waldman

“If, like me, you find yourself in a slump half-way through the season, take a break. Ride your mountain bike. Do something different. Put away the training log for a while. Remind yourself how much fun it is just to ride your bike.”

What Does it Take to Succeed as a ‘Cross Racer? A Column from Lee Waldman

In his last column Lee Waldman dove a little deeper into the subject of what it takes to win in cyclocross, examining what exactly defines an athlete, …

Don’t You Wish You Had Natural Cyclocross Talent? Maybe You Shouldn’t: A Column by Lee Waldman

Have you spent the summer thinking you’ve prepared for your best cyclocross season ever, only to feel like there’s a few of those guys who seem to …

Testing Your Legs at 65: A Column by Lee Waldman

In his last column, Lee Waldman looked at his return to racing. While his results were not up to expectations after getting a flat in …

Going to Crush the Tushar: A Column by Lee Waldman

After understanding his Lessons Learned from a hit and run accident that prevented Lee Waldman from competing in his year long goal of racing in the …

Fighting Forward on the Gravel Road: A Column by Lee Waldman

After deliberating with Lessons Learned from a hit and run accident that prevented Lee Waldman from competing in his year long goal of racing in …

Getting Back on the Saddle: A Column by Lee Waldman

Last December, Lee Waldman was involved in a hit-and-run on Christmas morning, leaving him in the hospital with six broken ribs, a cracked sternum and a …

Understanding and Using Your Cyclocross Strengths: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Having been relegated to the basement and the trainer at least until March, I’ve had plenty of time to ponder some universal …

The Edge of Fear: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Fear can weaken but it can also strengthen. Fear is also a great training partner. Now that the season is over some …

On Missed and Gained Opportunities, the Esoteric Joys of Cyclocross: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman On the 9th of January, I would have raced in the 65 – 69 Masters National Championship race in Austin. It was …

The Lessons Learned from the Hit-and-Run: A Column by Lee Waldman

Last week, Lee Waldman, one of the cherished voices here at Cyclocross Magazine, was involved in a hit-and-run on Christmas morning, leaving him in the …

Looking Back: A Column by Lee Waldman

After a nasty crash and injury last year, Lee Waldman is back in action and back to sharing his exploits. To begin, I want to …

It’s a Question of Motives—A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Got a text a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t recognize the area code and the number attached to it so I …

Learning Experience Through Injury—A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman ’Cross season is winding down. For most US riders, it’s been over since Nationals. Hey, it was over for me on November …

Long Road Ahead: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman So, what does one do when the season is abruptly ended? Instead of prepping for Nationals right now, as I had originally …

Junk Management: A Column by Adam McGrath

by Adam McGrath Gear. That’s what ’cross is about. Go ahead deny it: “It’s all about competition, camaraderie, finding our personal limits, suffering, cowbell.” Well …

Careful Post-Race Positive Analysis: A Column from Michael van den Ham

Michael van den Ham is an under-23 Elite rider on the Cycle-Smart Elite team. Michael raced for Canada to 31st place at the World Championships …

Taking on the Holy Week of Cyclocross – A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman I’d always heard the two weekends of racing combining the Grand Prix of Gloucester and Providence as “Holy Week” also as “New …

The Crossmaster and his Protégé: A Column from Michael van den Ham

Michael van den Ham is an under-23 Elite rider on the Cycle-Smart Elite team. Michael raced for Canada to 31st place at the World Championships …

Feeling the Burn (and Pain) — A Column from Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Summer is already winding down. shorter. It’s noticeably darker in the morning when I wake up. We all  know what that means—cyclocross!  …

Racing the Bailey Hundo: A Column From Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Last Saturday, promptly at 6 a.m., the blast from a shotgun signaled the start of my first hundred mile mountain bike race, …

Pursuing a Sport: A Column by Lee Waldman

Our Masters columnist is finally on summer break from school, and he’s back in action. by Lee Waldman My students and I have been writing …

You Might by a Cyclocrosser If … A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman The season has long been over for me. I missed Masters’ Worlds. A long, frustrating, unfortunate story, with a sad ending – …

Happy to be Riding: A Column by Lee Waldman

by Lee Waldman Yes, I know it’s been a long time since I’ve written, but with all of the race reports over the last month …

The Hardest to Write: A Column by Lee Waldman

Here at Cyclocross Magazine, as with everywhere else in the country, the mood has been subdued in the past two days. In this column, one …

What Powers Cyclocross, the Surprising Truth: A Column by Adam McGrath

by Adam McGrath This cyclocross season has been a great success, and upon reflection I have only one thing to thank. I should say sponsors, …

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