
616 search results found for “column”.

Van Den Brand Wins Outright; Dombroski Takes Ninth at Hamme-Zogge — UPDATED Photos, Report, Full Results

by David Evans Daphny van den Brand (AA attacked from a group of six in the last lap of the women’s race to take …

Pro Cyclocross Rumors & Rumblings Week of October 14th, 2011

by Kat Statman The Superprestige has begun, folks, and if you don’t know how important that is, well, the Euro’s know that the only classifications …

Video: Barriers, Remounts and Dismounts with the Keough Brothers

by Molly Hurford If you’re part of the New England cyclocross scene, you’ve probably come across a Keough or two while racing. As the managers …

On the Newsstands: Cyclocross Magazine Issue 14

Our subscribers are just beginning to report receiving Issue 14 – and we’re getting kudos both on its quality and our record-breaking turnaround time to …

The Girl with the Cowbell Tattoo: the Best Crew Around

by Molly Hurford “We’re making bonds and relationships that will last a lifetime, not just 60 minutes.” When it’s one in the morning, there’s a …

Rider Diary: Gabby Day’s US Adventures

Since mid-September, UK-based racer Gabby Day has been on the East Coast in the US racing in the MidAtlantic and New England races, from Nittany …

A Fine Line – Trying To Stay Upright In Oregon, Part II

This season, we’ll be following a few racers who have some interesting stories to share. From a freshly-minted elite racer to a newly declared master, …

In the Saddle with Adam McGrath, Pro Cyclocross Racer Turned Farmer/Racer

Pro racer Adam McGrath has gone from international racer to local farmer in the past year, though he hasn’t hung up his bikes just yet. …

Viewpoints: From a Master to a Woman, Coast to Coast

From the “Girl with the Cowbell Tattoo” to the philosophical Master’s racer extraordinaire, we bring you a new meeting of the minds. When Lee Waldman …

It’s Always a Good Day to Ride: And Now The Real Fun Begins

Paul is ready to ride – stop by and see him at the USGP today! Photo courtesy of Paul Warloski

By the time you read this today, the mwi cross circus will have gathered under the black and green tent near the start line in Sun Prairie, WI for the first weekend of the USGP.

It’s the start of the racing, the travel, the camaraderie, and off-camber downhill turns. The heckling, suffering, mud, and crashes.

Cyclocross on the Cheap: Chaingangs and Powermeters

Cyclocross rarely knows such glamour, despite richly deserving it. And Vegas had it all: shiny things, light things, new things, expensive things; trade shows were ever thus. Oh, and the hangovers. I’m sure there were some immense hangovers.

A casual glance at this array of goodies might convince you that their purpose was to make you faster. Anyone who has ever pressed a pedal in anger can tell you otherwise. These gadgets exist solely to tell you how slow you are. They can express inadequecy in figures accurate to the third decimal point. The all-consuming guilt that can be inspired by a powermeter is phenomenal. If I ever find myself poor (poor in a serious way, not poor in my current self-proclaimed, irreverent, slightly flippant way) I will qualify as a psychoanalyst and specialise in treating the anxieties of middle-aged bike racers. I would never go hungry again.

Cyclocross And Guacamole: Finding Family

I’ve been in Texas now for about two months, and I have a confession to make: I’m a little homesick.

Initially the thrill of being in a new place and meeting new people kept me from thinking too much about it, but as the dust has settled and I have fallen into my daily routine, I have to say: I miss my crew.

Attention Promoters, Photographers And Writers: Cyclocross Magazine Wants Your Race Report

The season has started, the first big UCI race has been run, and that means for the next four months, here at Cyclocross Magazine, we’ll be working day and night to make sure that results, photos and race reports from hundreds of races get posted in a timely manner. Whether your race is grass roots or UCI, we are happy to shine the light on your event.

Jesse Anthony to Retire from Cyclocross

As many of you know, Jesse Anthony has announced that after Gloucester’s race this year, he will be retiring from cyclocross to pursue road racing as his main sport. After the summer he’s had, we can’t say that we blame him, as he’s had some amazing finishes and wins, winning Nature Valley overall to name just one. But we will miss him in cyclocross. Issue 15 will include a reflective piece from Anthony as well as a look back at his superlative cyclocross career.

The Girl With The Cowbell Tattoo: The Things We Do For ’Cross

I have two of the greatest sponsors in the world. Not only are they both 100% invested in my racing and incredibly enthusiastic about it, they provide services like keeping my bikes in great working condition, making sure that I’m eating enough and if I ask nicely, even doing my laundry.

It’s Always A Good Day To Ride: Preparation, Waiting, And Finding Some Patience

In less than two weeks, I’ll be traveling to the first cross race of the season. Like you, I’ve been preparing for these races all year, training hard, eating and drinking right (most of the time … )

A Fine Line – Trying To Stay Upright In Oregon

I’m getting dropped. It’s a Saturday morning in the middle of August, and I’m on a training ride with my teammate Christian in Portland’s Forest Park. We are headed up a stupidly steep fire lane and all I can think is: I’m getting dropped. I should be at home sleeping in, or at least eating breakfast and reading a book. But instead I’m out here, heart rate through the roof, sweat dripping on to my Garmin so I can’t even read it, looking for an extra gear I know isn’t there. What am I doing?

Pro Cyclocross Rumors & Rumblings Week of August 26th, 2011

by Kat Statman It’s only two weeks away folks, and the UCI season opener is upon us in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. If you’re reading this, …

Cyclocross And Guacamole: From Texas, With Love

My pitch to Cyclocross Magazine’s Online Editor Molly for this column went something like this: “Cyclocross racer from New Hampshire moves to Texas. Wacky hijinks ensue.”

Hi, I’m Mark. I just moved from New Jersey to Texas one month ago. I race cyclocross.

It’s Always A Good Day To Ride: Progress; And Why ’Cross Is So Much More Fun Than Crits

It’s summer in Wisconsin, and that means a lot of criterium racing. We’re fortunate to have two race series here, and as a teacher I have a bit of time in the summer to race.

The result of all the racing is that I’m definitely making progress in my recovery. I’ve felt progressively stronger as the summer has gone on. I don’t think I’ll ever be the rider I was before the crash, but I have become a different rider.

In The Saddle With Rob Curtis, PSIMET Wheel-Builder

You may have seen the beginning of Lee’s interview with Rob Curtis in his column this past Saturday, but that was only the beginning. Today, Lee continues his interview with Rob Curtis, the wheel-builder behind PSIMET Wheels.

This Week on Cyclocross Magazine: August 15

Want to know what to look for on Cyclocross Magazine this week? Worried you might have missed something last week? Fear not, because we’ve got it all mapped out for you. Every Monday, we have a preview of what’s in store for the week, and we’ll let you know about some of the great articles that you might have missed last week. If there’s any story you’d like us to cover, any burning question you want answered, or any cool racer you’d like to hear from, let us know! Leave messages in the comments, find me on the Cowbell Forums or email molly [at]

Mechanical Mondays: Gluing Tubulars

Gluing tubulars is tricky business. And writing about it is just as difficult, if not more so. After all, everyone has his or her own gluing style, and everyone will tell you that his or her style is the best one. One of our brave mechanics, Jason Gardner of Jinji Cycles, decided to share his expertise with us.

On the Newsstands: Cyclocross Magazine Issue 13

Subscribers coast to coast are reporting that they’ve received the latest and greatest edition of our print magazine – lucky Cyclocross Magazine Issue #13! Copies are also showing up at the bike shops and book stores that stock our publication too [See our list of “Top Shops”]. Of course, you can always subscribe to the world’s only dedicated cyclocross publication to make sure you never miss an issue.

The Girl With The Cowbell Tattoo: Things Fall Into Place

There are some moments that are undefinable. There are some days that are just great. And then, if you’re really lucky, there are weekends full of those moments, one right after the other. This was one of those weekends.

This Week on Cyclocross Magazine: August 8

Want to know what to look for on Cyclocross Magazine this week? Worried you might have missed something last week? Fear not, because we’ve got it all mapped out for you. Every Monday, we have a preview of what’s in store for the week, and we’ll let you know about some of the great articles that you might have missed last week. If there’s any story you’d like us to cover, any burning question you want answered, or any cool racer you’d like to hear from, let us know! Leave messages in the comments, find me on the Cowbell Forums or email molly [at]

It’s Always A Good Day To Ride: When To Ignore Coach Crusty’s Program

It was one of those rare days this summer in Wisconsin: sunny, 75 degrees, mild winds. I was camping with a buddy in Boulder Junction, home of some beautiful northwoods roads and trails.

My friend was going fishing, and I was headed out on the ride. The training program told me to ride zone 2 for 80 minutes.

When I returned, my friend asked me where I’d been.

The Girl With The Cowbell Tattoo: Bike Philosophers

Last week, I went out on a ride after work with a good friend of mine (who also happens to be the manager for my team, Rockstar Games/Signature Cycles). We were just riding through an area that I had ridden in the past, and it was darn hilly. At one point, I caught myself wondering when the hills were going to end. Actually, I didn’t so much wonder as say it out loud, whining to Blake.

Training Tuesdays: An Ounce Of Prevention, Cyclocross-Style

You already know that cyclocross is good for you — you are informed reader of Cyclocross Magazine, after all — and you certainly know ‘cross is good for your body. It strengthens your legs, and it strengthens your arms and core. It’s good for the heart, and for the lungs, and for the waistline. It’s good for pretty much everything — except the skin of your calves and ankles that your pedals always tear up.

This Week on Cyclocross Magazine: August 1

Want to know what to look for on Cyclocross Magazine this week? Worried you might have missed something last week? Fear not, because we’ve got it all mapped out for you. Every Monday, we have a preview of what’s in store for the week, and we’ll let you know about some of the great articles that you might have missed last week. If there’s any story you’d like us to cover, any burning question you want answered, or any cool racer you’d like to hear from, let us know! Leave messages in the comments, find me on the Cowbell Forums or email molly [at]

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