
LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY – With three laps to go, Sven Baumann, Thomas Burke and Kevin McConnell were locked in a tight battle for the Masters 30-34 World title. However, when Baumann crashed, the field changed dramatically, with Burke fading backward and Turner bridging into the lead group. By then, McConnell had broken off the front, but a series of bobbles gave Turner the opportunity to catch up to make it a two up battle between the two epically-bearded men. With the frozen conditions and the sheer effort of their pursuit of the title, both men had thick icicles stuck to their beards. In the end, it was Turner who made the fewest mistakes and took the win, with Kevin McConnell right behind.


Kevin McConnell leading Thomas Turner © Cyclocross Magazine

Kevin McConnell leading Thomas Turner © Cyclocross Magazine

“I had a really fun time!” said McConnell. “The race went really well. I made a couple mistakes that Thomas was able to capitalize on in the end there. After two laps, my freehub body froze, so I wasn’t able to coast, and my chain kept falling off.  I got a bike from my lovely wife Brittany – thank you very much! I made it back up to the front, but had one more little bobble and my chain popped off.”

“It went well. It was an epic battle,” said Turner, whose second place last year surely motivated him to finish one step higher today. “This year we had a little bit of mud. I tried to race conservative and stay upright. I went down a couple of times but nothing too insurmountable. Played it safe, and had a good race. I can’t complain, everything went flawless.”

Thomas Turner With an Ice Stache © Cyclocross Magazine

Thomas Turner With an Ice Stache © Cyclocross Magazine

Interview with Thomas Turner:

[youtube _p3MZZfoKIk 580 380]

2013 Cyclocross World Championship Masters 30-34 Photo Gallery:

2013 Worlds Master Men 30-34 Results

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