A foam party. At 2013 Cyclocross Worlds. In February. You can’t be serious, can you?
The internet is a crazy place sometimes. Maybe nothing recently seems quite as crazy as the #Louisville2013FoamParty hashtag that started appearing on Twitter a few weeks ago, and quickly dominated cyclocross Worlds discussion on and off-line. Jeremy Powers hinted that he may DJ, Lars Van Der Haar joked that he would wear the World Champions jersey he was planning to win, and Meredith Miller was looking to get on the VIP list.
This event may have started as a joke, but it was a ridiculous enough one that soon the magic of Twitter spiraled it out of control, and to the point where the joke needed to become reality. Of course, it also left the unlikely promoters with almost no time or resources to find a venue, make flyers, secure DJ’s, etc. But again, the power of the internet and the collective will of the cyclocross community was determined to make the cyclocross Worlds afterparty the greatest afterparty of all time. A website was purchased, flyers and stickers printed, and then almost by dumb-luck a venue within blocks of the host hotel became available. Things quickly started to align. It was really going to happen. #Louisville2013FoamParty. The buzz was deafening.
Several industry sponsors, namely ENGVT, Hed Cycling, and Cyclocross Magazine have now thrown in their support for ongoing expenses, but since these unlikely promoters are not charging a cover for the party, they have decided to set up a donation link on the website, and are hoping to recoup what they’ve already invested into this event. Anything given that becomes profit will be graciously donated to support Junior Cyclocross programs in the US. Sounds like a win-win for everyone.
While the promoters warn there may not be foam at their event, we’re looking forward to FoamPartying with all of you in Louisville.
Check out their video:
[vimeo 58342005 590 390]
Check out Cyclocross Magazine’s CXM Labs foam machine in testing:
[youtube =-dvEmroCHXs 590 380]
Don’t miss our LIVE STREAMING VIDEO of the 2013 Cyclocross World Championships. And for all the latest news, results, photos and videos from the 2013 Cyclocross World Championships and Masters World Championships in Louisville, KY, keep checking our 2013 Cyclocross World Championships page.
Stay Up To Date:
- www.louisville2013foamparty.com
- www.facebook.com/Louisville2013FoamParty
- Twitter: @LV2013FoamParty
- Or search the hashtag #Louisville2013FoamParty