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Pro Cyclocross Rumors & Rumblings Week of September 23rd, 2011

The American ’cross season is in full swing with two full weekends and two Wednesday night extravaganzas completed, the European season is just getting underway and now the first USGP is here. It really is ’cross season. Sometimes I don’t believe it’s real. How can the best bike racing season, which we’ve been waiting so long for really be here already? Didn’t we just finish last season? Anyways, onward we go, there is a long winter coming up and lots of rumors to talk about. In this week’s edition: Euro ’Cross is back on TV, start looking for your live feeds, folks. Kevin Pauwels takes a big win for his new team in Erpe-Mere. Zdenek Stybar will be showing off the new Quick Step rainbow stripes in Stribro this weekend. Enrico Franzoi has found a home with the Guerciotti team, he lines up for the first time this weekend in Switzerland. Is it true that Pro ’crossers actually understand the worth of their equipment? At least Tom Meeusen does. Amy Dombroski heads back to her motherland for the season. With a venerable “who’s who” of ’cross lining up in Sun Prairie this weekend, is there really a favorite? Who should we talk about in this week’s Working Man’ Edition? We’ll go with Justin Lindine, Jake Wells, Bryan Fawley, and Chris Sheppard

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Interbike 2011: New Speedplay Syzr Pedals

Speedplay has offered mountain bike pedals for years with the company’s Frog model. But the Frogs never really made a dent into the ’cross market. That could very well change with the introduction of the new Syzr pedals, which will relegate the Frog largely to touring and commuting duty. Modeled after the very popular Speedplay Zero road pedals, the Syzr offers adjustable float adjustment as well as tension adjustment for release and entry.

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Aaron Schooler on his new Norco Threshold. © Joe Sales
Featuredpro bike profiles

Pro Bike Profile: Aaron Schooler’s Norco Threshold

Norco is launching their new Carbon Cyclocross bike the Norco Threshold this Fall. To be in stores soon, this beast of a bike boasts an impressive resume already with a top 15 in Cross Vegas, top 10’s at Starcrossed and the Rapha Focus GP and a BC Cup Provincial Win to start off the 2011 season. Aaron Schooler of Team H&R BLOCK and powered by Sri Importing got a couple of these custom painted bad boys just in time for the beginning of the cross season and was highly impressed with the updates that Norco has made to the old Scandium CCX SL revamping it from scratch and moving to the carbon mold. The Norco Threshold is a European race bike with some North American Flare to it.

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The Girl With The Cowbell Tattoo

The Girl with the Cowbell Tattoo: the Good, the Bad, and the Awesome

At Interbike on Wednesday, you see beyond the glitz and glamour of carbon fiber road wheels and fixed gear glory. You feel the grass, you smell the dirt, sweat, blood, tears … you know it’s almost time for CrossVegas. You check your watch over and over again, counting down to the moment when you can finally start heading to the event you’ve been waiting for.

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Joey hit the ground hard, but he's OK! Craig Fowler
CXM funFeatured

Is Joey Really OK? Joey Speaks Up and Tells His Story – Updated

There have been a lot of questions asked and many things assumed about my “incident.” Allow me to set the record straight. My name is Joey Mullan, and I crashed on my bike. As for the intensity of the crash, wow! I have raced singlespeed cyclocross for the past three seasons, this being my fourth. I don’t consider myself a roadie, a mountain biker or a BMX kid. I do it all, but I consider myself a cyclocrosser, 100%.

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Pro Cyclocross Rumors & Rumblings Week of September 16th, 2011

The Belgians came, they saw, and, oh man, have they conquered. Well, an American did grab one win and that was a UCI race, so I guess it counts for something. The first week of the international season is under way and is there ever a bunch to talk about! First is CrossVegas, so much going on there. We can’t not talk about this weekends upcoming races in Seattle, Vermont and Maryland. Did you catch the velo bowl? Jurgen Mettepenningen is confident in Pauwels, Aernouts and Vantornout. National Champ Todd Wells will not defend his stars and stripes this January; London Olympics and Louisville 2013 are the goals. Finally, in this week’s Working Man’s Edition there were just too many of you, so instead, there’s a list of all the riders that deserve some respect!

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vegas collage
Featuredlive race coverage

Cyclocross Magazine Presents Live, Interactive Coverage of ClifBar CrossVegas On September 14

For those of you who won’t be making it to Cross Vegas this year, Cyclocross Magazine will be bringing Vegas to you (sans the showgirls, of course). We’ll be providing live, interactive coverage of both the Elite Men’s and Women’s races, which are both stacked with the best-ever and most international field assembled in the US.

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Van Den Bosch, Field and Lindine on the podium Day 2 of Nittany Lions Cyclocross.
Featuredrace reports

Nittany Day Two: Euro Podium Invasion; Wyman and Van Den Bosch Take The Wins

The first weekend of racing is over, and racers on the East Coast are feeling extremely tired after an incredibly muddy first weekend of cyclocross racing. The normally flat and fast course at Nittany was transformed into a muddy bog, and with the course running backwards on the non-UCI day two of racing, the racers started by almost immediately hitting a mud pit.

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Jesse Anthony is racing his last race at Gloucester this season.

Jesse Anthony to Retire from Cyclocross

As many of you know, Jesse Anthony has announced that after Gloucester’s race this year, he will be retiring from cyclocross to pursue road racing as his main sport. After the summer he’s had, we can’t say that we blame him, as he’s had some amazing finishes and wins, winning Nature Valley overall to name just one. But we will miss him in cyclocross. Issue 15 will include a reflective piece from Anthony as well as a look back at his superlative cyclocross career.

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Gabby Day's Raleigh RXC Pro
Featuredpro bike profiles

Pro Bike Profile – Gabby Day’s Raleigh RXC Pro Carbon

With Gabby Day stateside for the start of her normally European-based season, it seemed like a perfect chance to get an up-close and personal look at her new Raleigh RXC Pro Carbon bikes with Ritchey and SRAM Red componentry. Since we’re the same size, it’s been a huge temptation for me, seeing the new carbon Raleigh frames with their stealth matte black appeal. Day is stylish on her own, and the new bikes perfectly compliment to her new team, The Chainstay and RENNER Clothing Team. Day is racing on the East Coast for the next month, from Baltimore to Vermont, and spent some time this week talking with me about her race plans, thoughts on the US, and thoughts on being a woman in racing.

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