
2021 UCI World Cup Namur Junior Women drew top talent throughout the world with 44 racers attending the race.

Zoe Backstedt dominated the race. She had a dominant ride and big lead on her way to victory.

Zoe Backstedt crosses the finish line. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

Zoe Backstedt crosses the finish line. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

Leonie Bentveld finished in second place.

Leonie Bentveld crossing the finish line. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

Leonie Bentveld crossing the finish line. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

Valentina Corvi podiumed.

Valentina Corvi crossing the finish line. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

Valentina Corvi crossing the finish line. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

The North Americans were well-represented, with Canadians leading the way with Ava Holmgren finishing in 7th, Isabella Holmgren in 17th, Jenaya Francis in 20th.

The USA Cycling Team had Elsa Westenfelder in 26th, Samantha Scott in 29th, Natasha Visnack in 33rd, and Kaya Musgrave in 35th.

See full results and the photo gallery below.

Check out 2021 UCI World Cup Namur Elite Women.

2021 UCI World Cup Namur Results Junior Women

1BACKSTEDT Zoe1737:02:00
2BENTVELD Leonie171:11
3CORVI Valentina161:27
4HALTER Monique171:33
5MOLENGRAAF Lauren161:36
6HANÁKOVÁ Eliska162:14
7HOLMGREN Ava162:28
8HLADIKOVÁ Katerina172:46
9VENTURELLI Federica162:54
10GLAUS Jana163:04
11FONTANA Beatrice173:08
12KOPECKY Julia17'
13FABREGUE Lilou173:18
14DLASKOVÁ Vanda163:31
15VAN SINAEY Xaydee163:40
16BRIAND Manon173:44
17HOLMGREN Isabella164:23
19RIGAUX Alizee175:04
20FRANCIS Jenaya175:38
21MUL Malwina175:47
22MOORS Fleur166:04
23JOHANSSON Alma176:14
24MÄRKL Jule166:18
25DE SMEDT Febe176:23
27MARASCO Margot166:57
28LYLYK Kiara177:20
29SCOTT Samantha167:31
30GIRAUD Camille167:56
31WENZEL Liv178:06
32HOEFMANS Pem178:20
33VISNACK Natasha178:22
34KIEKENS Cleo178:23
35MUSGRAVE Kaya16'
36BARTHELS Layla178:30
37VAN DEN EEDE Chloë178:43
38SCHMITZ Anouk169:14
40GRAUX Zélie17
41OEPEN Isabell16
42HENDRICKX Sterre16

2021 UCI World Cup Namur Photo Gallery: Junior Women

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Zoe Backstedt, Leonie Bentveld, and Valentina Corvi on the podium. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

Zoe Backstedt, Leonie Bentveld, and Valentina Corvi on the podium. 2021 Namur UCI Cyclocross World Cup, Junior Women. © B. Hazen / Cyclocross Magazine

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