The 2018 MontanaCrossCamp for young riders wrapped up over the weekend, but next month, young cyclocrossers have another opportunity to work on their preseason development at the USA Cycling Regional Talent ID Camp in Los Olivos, California.
The USAC Talent ID Camp will be held August 8-11 and is open to riders racing ages 14-19. Carmichael Training Systems will be directing the camp, and Amanda Nauman will be joining as one of the guest coaches.

Applications are open for the 2018 USAC Regional Talent ID Camp. 2017 USAC Talent ID Camp. photo: Kirk Nordgren
The USAC Talent ID camp will feature full days of riding, running and classroom instruction. CTS said this about the camp:
Over four days, the camp will focus on cyclocross-specific skill development, testing physiological capacity and potential and building fitness. Days begin with running and footwork drills and move on to two rides along with classroom discussions. The schedule includes activities like group discussions and presentations on training, nutrition, race day preparations and strategy.
The final day of camp will be a race-day simulation as the ultimate test to see if athletes can apply the techniques they learned about preparing a schedule and executing a race. Being able to take responsibility on the day of an important event is a key lesson for juniors who are learning how to make decisions and take ownership of their racing.
Registration for the USAC Talent ID Camp is currently open via The cost of the camp is $550 if you register more than 30 days out and $650 after that.
For more information, see The website has more information on its Talent ID Camps.