Last weekend, yet another edition of the Bilenky Junkyard Cross commenced, which meant there was plenty of punctures due to broken glass and narrow misses of man-made cyclocross obstacles of the cruelest kind. Yes, it’s THAT kind of race. Adam Nawrot of was there to capture the 2014 edition in all its beauty for part one of our two park series on junkyard cyclocross.
But first, if you’ve never seen the race, words can’t quite describe it, so be sure to first check out the video by of the 2011 edition, which includes junkyard bikes, English 3-speeds, and two tandems welded together:
Bilenky Junkyard Cross, Photo Gallery By Adam Nawrot

Just another day of winding your way through auto parts on a bike. © Adam Nawrot

This lucky guy was awarded the DFL Bilenky license plate, hopefully to go home and put on his car, which might find itself on this race course one day. © Adam Nawrot

He has a lot of faith in the strength of this rear car window. © Adam Nawrot

Is any Junkyard Cross race complete without dipping under a car on blocks? © Adam Nawrot

We didn’t see too many tubulars or expensive bikes out there that day. © Adam Nawrot

Taking heckling to a new level… in the stabbin cabin. © Adam Nawrot

Why bother ringing cowbells when you can set up a course where they automatically ring out for the riders? © Adam Nawrot